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How to Monitor the Performance of Your Diesel Marine Engine

The failure of your marine boat, particularly the diesel engine, can expose you to danger and cause a lot of inconvenience. In simple terms, if your engine components fail in unfavourable conditions on the water, you will be vulnerable to perilous situations on the ocean. Also, you should note that failed engines can be difficult and expensive to repair. Therefore, if you have a new boat, it is important to keep an eye on the boat engine. Constant monitoring will help you identify concealed problems. As a result, you will be able to conduct repairs before the issues escalate. Here are simple tips to consider when monitoring your diesel marine engine.

Know Gauge Issues

The simplest indicators of the health of boat engines are the installed instruments. In general, the standard engine comes with multiple gauges which indicate the operating conditions of the motor. Unfortunately, most people do not check these gauges or understand them. As a result, obvious problems are left unchecked. You can prevent common issues by knowing the optimal operating conditions for your boat.

You can consult a boat engine specialist or the manufacturer for these details. Then, consider marking the optimal range for the gauge. For instance, the temperature gauge can help you identify signs of overheating. You will only need to indicate the best range of temperature on your gauge with a marker. If the indicator leaves the marked area, plan for repairs. Additionally, always check any warning lights which might indicate an undetected problem.

Check the Diesel

Your fuel can compromise your diesel engine if the fluid is contaminated. Under ideal circumstances, the fuel should always be clean without additional elements and compounds from the external environment. However, this is not always the case. The fuel tank often collects water due to poor tank closure or improper fuelling. Also, condensate can build up over time. The moisture might not seem significant at the beginning, but your engine's performance will decline. Therefore, it is crucial to pump out some fuel from the bottom of the tank and analyse it. If there is moisture, keep pumping until you get pure diesel.

Monitor the Exhaust

Finally, you should plan on monitoring the temperature of the exhaust from your diesel engine. The exhaust is important because it can be used as an indicator of cooling problems. If the engine is not getting cooled properly due to some internal problem like filter blockage, the exhaust will become hotter. If you have a sensor at the exhaust, you will be forewarned. 

For more information, contact local diesel marine engine services.
